Hope. Hope. Hope. I had a lovely weekend. Which this time frame won't really matter eventually because you might be reading this two years later. Anyway, I attended a Saturday service with my friend,Em.( Oh my goodness, I have just thought about how funny it would be if I had instead typed her full name, phone number and instagram handle. Crazy the places my mind goes.) Okay, so all through the service, the word hope kept standing out for me. If I had written this earlier I would have a more detailed story. But I remember for sure that the worship leader, as she was somewhat fading into that silent moment, if you are familiar with how worship sessions go you'd know that usually the air is filled with sweet simple melodies by the instrumentalists; most likely an extension of the last song that was sang, the leader humming a bit or singing her prayer, or simply praying. Praying for us, for herself, for the church. And then at times also, the leader might give a mini speech...