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Growing but still a child.

Made a friend, a good friend that I have seen every other day for the past week. She is 16 months old. Our friendship is a week old. What makes me think we are good friends? I get the biggest smile from her  among all the people always around her, also her grandma is convinced that the little girl really likes me. Severally I  have sat next to her and her mother over a meal. She is the cutest thing with four favorite words: pease (please), puppy, daddy, papa. And over dinner she will say pease every five seconds reaching out her tiny arm towards her mother's plate. And her mom will say looking at her plate wondering what her daughter specifically wants, "what do you want sweetie?'' 
And because I always finish my food first I spend the rest of dinner observing. And I think to myself how accurate an analogy. More often than not if you have barely grown in your relationship with Jesus will it be about asking for things. For more and more. And I am not implying that as you grow your need fades, He encourages us even to ask that we may receive, he will not give he who asks for bread, stone. My emphasis is the importance of communication that goes past request and action of hand  to interaction with heart. I know for a fact that her grandpa, who is currently hosting me and loves her so very much cannot wait for when he will be able to have actual conversations with her. But for now it has been a bunch of unanswered questions and blank stares from her pretty sea green eyes where a response is required. We get it though, she is only about  a year and a half.  
All I am saying is I believe God is always calling out to us bringing forth an offer of relationship amidst salvation. And it is something we can only grow into. 
Here is the twist though, she is currently by default extremely dependent on her mother. Will scream until she gets distracted by something else if her mother leaves her even for a micro second. But everybody knows she is going to outgrow that stage and want her mom out of her face, room and business. This is where I am reminded that God wants us to be childlike. Living a life of full dependance on the giver of true life whose love is better than life itself. To each day be led by His spirit in deep communion with He who never leaves. Like a child.


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