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Next Gen.

I am an animation person 100% and I finished watching Next Gen a minute ago. Title sounds unfamiliar, probably and that's okay, I got you covered. I was in tears by the time I was done. This girl living in a world half robot and half human, abandoned by her father and living with her mother who is also very consumed with the whole idea of having a robot for companionship and everything else ends up where she shouldn't be (obviously) and brings the scientist's secret robot project to life. A fair portion of the movie is filled with this robot trying to find this girl and give her back the bag that she had forgotten during her dramatic departure. 

The girl is broken and has a mindset of one used to fighting on her own and is also built by her cold memory of her dad leaving. As you'd see coming, the girl and robot create a bond because for the girl, she liked the idea of having a bot that would blast things for her and help avenge her from her bullies and the robot loved having a friend and memories full of her.

 A very special scene is when the robot is trying to break down Mai's (the girl) walls and he then promises her that he has her back, that he does not want to lose her. As the movie plays out we begin to discover that there was an evil robot that wanted to take over the world and this secret project robot was made with the hope that it would eventually defeat the evil one, and of course, forgive my spoiler, the robot defeats the evil one and dies. Yes they both die. The girl, who had by this time learnt very vital lessons from this robot was hugging the bot hoping he had not gone forever and within no time, the robot came back to life. 

Sounds cheesy, maybe, but this robot to me has a profile a lot like Christ, and that's what made me cry. Oh and her encounter with the bot healed her, her relationships and views in and of that life. And next gen translated to my world will forever be the greatest good news ever. It always and forever holds he or she who believes together. With a savior that is not a robot but was entirely human and is completely God. And of that truth it's always good to be reminded.


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