My theory of what life is really about. At least for now, is this;
If I say the word straight up, you might leave me too soon so watch me drag this out.
I was talking to a friend a couple weeks ago when I closed the discussion by letting him in on my conclusion of what life is about.
He agreed.
The conversation was on several things, ranging from details on grief to ones talking about love. To how life's hard and can sometimes be easy. How we can really never know everything.
A lot of the perspective I am about to share was informed by one of my favorite books where the author talks about the overflowing nature of God that intricately and intrinsically brings forth and out life.
So full of it that all he can do is give of it.
and so here we are. in a world so dark and yet so bright.
with scents and sounds in nature to echo this life giver.
with artists and talents to portray His creativity.
I love love love a good poem, if you're old here, you probably know that already.
a good milkshake. a good meal. a good song. a good instrumental even, a good book. a good movie,
a good conversation.
and I'm not saying this to try and be different, we all have things we love,
probably even as has been listed above.
I'm saying that we've been given.
given to give.
Every day we give something away; Sleep to our bed, time to the internet, ourselves to stress or happiness.
God has given us life and life is what we have to give,
and give,
life is what we give,
if you haven't caught it already my theory is giving.
It's a cycle.
The cycle of life for me seems to be about giving.
God gave life.
God gave the Christ.
God gave the sun,
the sun gave rain,
God gave the son,
the son gave life.
gives life.
and as I said, then, in life we give,
always giving something.
in the midst of giving in every shape and way and form of it.
like giving of your talent, or your time,
I hope that you will give of your life.
this is funny,
I seem to have a resounding theme every single time I write,
how this life is not meant to be ours or necessarily about us and the picture is bigger than just us.
For some this brings comfort, sometimes it's terrifying other times annoying.
But if you don't give yourself away have you really lived in this life?
I've been told I rarely say things simply.
but for today I will try,
listen to that friend. pray for that sibling. love that neighbor. cherish that enemy. feed that hungry.
give yourself away so that He can use you. He will.
In giving yourself away He uses you.
that's the cycle of life.
I think.
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