''MARVEL! you are not your work, you matter and are so valuable, I also want to say that the recent spoken word you put up was amazing.'' read the text Alyssa sent me soon after a post I put on instagram. I was overly excited by her feedback (compliment) as I usually am because like most creatives I think, the comments are definitely not taken for granted. Ever. Anyway, when I first saw her text I thought, '' Well that's random. Why is she starting her sentence like that?'' ''Why is she calling me valuable? Does she think I don't know that already, maybe?'' And so being myself, I asked her. Being gracious, she explained. I am going to talk about myself as briefly as possible and say being a creative, people will talk about your talent. People will cling onto what you can do, and maybe even possibly, for how it could help them later. And it's great, until it isn't. But it would take a whole lot to get to the isn't. Y...