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Fully known

It keeps me calm,
the reality that with all the unknowns,
by Him I am fully known.
I am learning to let my soul know that very well.

I am aware that there's more to life than just me.
Yes, the picture is bigger.
Yes, I am not my own, at least not anymore.

But I still hope to be seen. And known. And heard.
Sometimes maybe more than I should desire and sometimes maybe out of proportion altogether.

And maybe that's okay. 

it keeps me calm, the reality that with all the unknowns:  barely even knowing myself. Thinking I do, and then realizing maybe I don't. Thinking I have it together and then realizing maybe I don't. Wrestling with the forever questions, the forever paradoxes,
that He knows me fully.

I cannot know in full.
even the love of the Father, Paul prays that we grasp and then says that we can't.
even the things of the Father, Paul says now we know in part and then we will know in full.
But to be certain that I am known,
that's love.
That's as my friend says, the beauty of the glorious intimacy.

To be known in such fullness and be loved with an even greater intensity, that's heavy.

1 Corinthians 12:13
For now we see in indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part but then I will know fully, as I am fully known.

Ephesians 3:19
...and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge,...

I'm like a drop in the ocean. For real. With so many things above me. But I'm fully known by my sweet Jesus. And that's heaven to me!


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